How Mobile Apps Increase Sales and Other M-Commerce Benefits?

Mobile devices have been one of the most popular methods for communication, shopping, and entertainment for the last several years. Mobile phone users, who are also consumers, have made it clear that they find mobile shopping to be a necessary convenience according to a 2022 survey conducted by Morning Consult. A total of 61% of 2,221 U.S. adults who were surveyed responded that mobile shopping was an online shopping attribute that was important to them, among others like free shipping, website filtering and search tools, and comparing prices across sites.

For mobile device users, being able to access an almost infinite world of shopping from the palm of their hand means they can easily shop in any number of mobile m-commerce apps from stores and companies like Amazon, Walmart, eBay, and Target. With mobile-first shopping more important than ever before, let’s discuss what mobile commerce (m-commerce) is and how mobile apps help to increase sales.

What is M-Commerce?

M-commerce is a sub-category of e-commerce. It essentially refers to any kind of online transaction that is made with mobile devices. While consumers still shop on other devices like computers and laptops, there has been a major shift to mobile-first shopping – particularly for how convenient it is.

And while convenience is there for the consumers, there are also a number of benefits that businesses themselves gain from m-commerce, including a boost to sales. With our insights as a mobile app development company, we’re going to explore additional benefits below in further detail.

How Does It Boost Sales for Businesses?

M-commerce through a mobile app can help to boost sales for businesses by making it easier for your target audience to shop with you. Think of it in terms of accessibility. Most people now have a mobile device or two of some kind – from a smartphone to a tablet. They use these mobile devices daily and regularly download mobile applications for the brands, companies, and services that they like. This means that by having a mobile app for your business, you can help reach your customers where they are, making it easier for them to shop with you.

And with mobile retail ecommerce sales projected to exceed $710 billion in 2025, having a mobile app for m-commerce purposes is becoming more important than ever.

Benefits of Having a Mobile App

No matter the size of your business, there are a number of benefits you can reap from having a mobile app.


Personalization within a mobile app can have a big impact on the user experience. Mobile app personalization refers to the different adjustments made to each app user’s experience based on their behavior, preferences, and interactions. A high level of personalization allows you the ability to tailor a more unique app experience for each user, helping to keep users engaged and coming back to your app.

A personalized application experience is a key way to ensure that your users are getting the most out of your mobile commerce app – from offering them product recommendations to sending out unique push notifications.

Increased Visibility

M-commerce by way of a mobile app is a fantastic way to reach all new customers, therefore increasing your visibility. As more and more people have an interest in online shopping, making use of a mobile app to reach potential customers easily allows you to become more visible to shoppers who may not have come across your business otherwise.

Think of it like this. Perhaps you run a mid-sized local retail chain in a state on the East Coast that has been focused on local and in-person selling. By using a mobile app, you can step into the world of m-commerce by connecting with your existing customer base and acquiring new customers who can easily shop with you online.


As you tap brand new customers with your mobile app, we cannot forget to talk about the importance of convenience. With such a shift to mobile app shopping, it should be no surprise that a huge benefit of m-commerce comes through the convenience offered to customers. In fact, a 2019 survey released by Visual Objects found that U.S. consumers use mobile shopping applications frequently – with one-third of respondents using shopping apps between two and five times a week.

A mobile app ensures that your customers can add items to their carts, even when they are not at home.

Increased Pull of Analytics

Mobile applications will be able to provide you with key customer data thanks to the often high traffic that apps see. This customer data will provide you with valuable insights into your customers and how they are shopping.

Data that you may receive from a mobile app can include:

  • Buying history
  • Abandoned shopping cart info
  • Contact information
  • Location information

You can utilize this data to help understand user behavior better and ultimately tailor your mobile app further to your targeted m-commerce audience.

Want an M-Commerce Mobile App? Connect with Our Mobile App Development Company

Now that you have an idea of how mobile apps can help to increase sales and the additional benefits that come with m-commerce, it’s time to start thinking about your own mobile app.

Reach out to Split Reef today. We are a trusted mobile app development company with offices in Ohio and Florida that can take you through the entire process of building a mobile app for your m-commerce needs.

Why Google Deindexed Your Website and How to Recover It?

What Deindexing Means and Its Impact On Website Visibility?

Google crawls a website to analyze its content. They then keep this information in an index used for search results. Thus, having a page indexed is significant if someone wants their website to be seen. While Google has discussed its deindexing process, they have not always been transparent about the causes or fixes for these issues. Google will deindex pages that don’t meet quality guidelines or websites that they legally must deindex. Fortunately, most people can get to the bottom of why their website has been deindexed by following a few simple steps. These steps can take a lot of time if you have significant changes to make, and there’s no exact method guaranteed to get results, but by committing to the process, you can make dramatic improvements.

Why Does Google Deindex Pages?

Google will deindex websites for various reasons. The company does this to ensure they have the best quality search results possible and to prevent suggesting harmful websites with malware or low-quality content. Yet, the deindexing process can be detrimental when companies need their website to be shown and cannot figure out why their website is not appearing on search results.

Common Reasons for Deindexing:

There are three prominent reasons why Google deindexes websites. The first reason is that manual action has been taken on your website, and the second is that a mistake in the code can cause a website to be deindexed. The former reason is the more likely cause, and it can occur for a variety of quality-control reasons; you can check your Search Console to see if Google has given you an explanation for why your website has been deindexed, which can help you make changes more efficiently.

  • Manual Actions
  • Technical Issues
  • Algorithm Updates

Manual Actions: Google’s Intervention in Search Results

Manual actions are direct interventions by Google’s search quality team to address websites that violate their quality guidelines. These actions can range from minor adjustments to temporary or permanent removal from search results.

Common Reasons for Manual Actions:

  1. Spammy Links:
    • Excessive or Low-Quality Links: Websites that have an unnatural or excessive number of links, especially those from low-quality or irrelevant sources, can trigger manual actions.
    • Link Farms: Participating in link farms, where websites exchange links artificially, is a common reason for manual actions.
  2. Hidden Text:
    • Invisible Text: This occurs when text is styled to be invisible to human users but visible to search engines. It’s a deceptive practice used to manipulate rankings.
    • Cloaking: This is when a website displays different content to search engines than to human visitors.
  3. Deceptive Practices:
    • Clickbait: Using misleading headlines or content to attract clicks without delivering relevant information.
    • Doorway Pages: Creating pages solely for search engine optimization purposes, often with little or no useful content.
    • Thin Content: Websites with very little original content or that primarily duplicate content from other sources.

How Google Takes Manual Actions:

  1. Review and Identification: Google’s search quality team manually reviews websites to identify violations of their guidelines.
  2. Notification: Website owners are notified of the manual action and provided with specific details about the issue.
  3. Rectification: Website owners are given the opportunity to address the problem and request a reconsideration.
  4. Re-evaluation: Google re-evaluates the website after the necessary changes have been made.
  5. Potential Outcomes:
    • Recovery: If the issue is resolved satisfactorily, the website may be reinstated in search results.
    • Temporary Penalty: In some cases, a temporary penalty may be applied, which can affect the website’s rankings for a specific period.
    • Permanent Removal: If the violations are severe or persistent, the website may be permanently removed from search results.

Technical Issues Leading to Deindexing

Technical problems can significantly impact a website’s visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs). If these issues are severe enough, search engines may deindex a website, meaning it will no longer appear in search results. Here are some common technical problems that can lead to deindexing:

Server Errors

  • 500 Internal Server Errors: These errors indicate that the server encountered an unexpected condition while trying to fulfill the request. This could be due to various issues, such as script errors, database problems, or server overload.
  • 404 Not Found Errors: These errors occur when a requested resource (e.g., a page or image) cannot be found on the server. Broken links can lead to a large number of 404 errors, which can negatively impact a website’s user experience and SEO.

Broken Links

  • Internal Links: Broken internal links can make it difficult for search engines to crawl and index a website’s content. It can also confuse users and lead to a poor user experience.
  • External Links: If a website links to external resources that are no longer available, this can result in broken links and negatively impact the website’s authority.

Poor Site Structure

  • Duplicate Content: Having duplicate content on a website can confuse search engines and lead to indexing issues. This can occur due to various reasons, such as having multiple versions of the same page or using content from other websites without proper attribution.
  • Lack of XML Sitemap: An XML sitemap provides search engines with a structured overview of a website’s content. Without a properly formatted XML sitemap, search engines may have difficulty crawling and indexing a website’s pages.
  • Slow Loading Times: Slow loading times can negatively impact user experience and search engine rankings. Factors that can contribute to slow loading times include large image files, inefficient code, and slow servers.

Google Algorithm Updates and Deindexing

Google regularly updates its search algorithm to improve the quality of search results and provide users with the most relevant information. These updates can have a significant impact on website rankings, and in some cases, can lead to deindexing.

Reasons for Deindexing Due to Algorithm Updates:

  1. Core Updates: These broad algorithm updates aim to improve the overall relevance and quality of search results. Websites that do not meet Google’s quality guidelines may see a decline in rankings or even be deindexed.
  2. Product Updates: These updates target specific areas of search, such as mobile-friendliness, speed, or user experience. Websites that do not meet the new criteria may be penalized.
  3. Penalty Updates: These updates target specific types of spam or manipulative practices, such as excessive keyword stuffing, link farms, or hidden text. Websites caught engaging in these practices may be penalized or deindexed.

Recent Algorithm Updates with Significant Impact:

  • Google Core Updates: Google has released several core updates in recent years, including the May 2023 update and the September 2023 update. These updates aim to improve the overall quality of search results and can significantly impact website rankings.
  • Helpful Content Update: This update aimed to reward websites that provide high-quality, original content that is helpful to users. Websites that produce low-quality or spammy content may have been negatively affected.
  • Product Reviews Update: This update focused on improving the quality of product reviews in search results. Websites that provide high-quality, informative reviews may have seen a boost in rankings.

To avoid deindexing due to algorithm updates, website owners should:

  • Follow Google’s Webmaster Guidelines: Adhere to Google’s guidelines for quality content, technical SEO, and user experience.
  • Monitor Search Console: Keep an eye on Search Console for any warnings or messages related to algorithm updates or penalties.
  • Stay Updated: Stay informed about the latest algorithm updates and their potential impact on your website.
  • Focus on Quality: Prioritize creating high-quality, original content that is valuable to users.

How to Identify Deindexing

Google Search Console

Google Search Console is a powerful tool for website owners to monitor their site’s performance in Google Search. It provides valuable insights into indexing, traffic, and other key metrics. Here’s how to use it to check for deindexing issues:

  1. Index Coverage Report: This report shows the number of pages Google has indexed from your website. Look for any significant drops in indexed pages or errors like “URL not found.”
  2. Search Appearance Report: This report provides information about how your pages appear in search results. If your pages are no longer appearing, it’s a strong indicator of deindexing.
  3. Mobile Usability Report: Ensure that your website is mobile-friendly, as Google prioritizes mobile-first indexing. Check for any issues that might be affecting your site’s mobile performance.
  4. Sitemaps: Verify that your XML sitemap is submitted to Google Search Console and that there are no errors in the sitemap report.
  5. Manual Actions Report: Check for any manual actions taken against your website. These could be due to violations of Google’s Webmaster Guidelines.
  6. Monitor Search Console Messages: Keep an eye out for any messages or alerts from Google Search Console. These can provide valuable information about potential issues, including deindexing.

Other Tools and Techniques:

  • Manual Checks: Manually search for your website using different keywords and search operators to see if your pages are still appearing in search results.
  • Third-Party Tools: Many third-party SEO tools, such as Ahrefs, SEMrush, and Moz, can also be used to monitor your website’s indexing status and identify potential issues.

How to Solve Website Deindexing Issue

Google wants to promote quality pages, so when a page has been deindexed, it could be because of quality issues. Thus, determining the exact nature of the issue helps you address it.

Identify the Root Cause:

Thoroughly investigating the reason for deindexing is crucial to developing an effective recovery strategy. Here are some steps to help you identify the underlying issue:

  • Review Search Console Messages: Check for any specific warnings or error messages related to deindexing.
  • Analyze Website Performance: Monitor your website’s traffic, indexing status, and any recent changes.
  • Assess Content Quality: Evaluate the quality and relevance of your content to ensure it aligns with Google’s guidelines. A variety of content issues can cause you problems. For example, Google will take your content off their search results if you have duplicate content. Thus, you need to ensure that your content is unique. You also want to avoid auto-generated pages that commonly have errors, swap out keywords, and don’t add any quality to the content.
  • Keyword Stuffing: More keywords do not necessarily give you better search results. Google has become more sensitive to keyword stuffing to prevent this practice. Keywords should always be used as naturally as possible to ensure your website is indexed.
  • Check for Technical Issues: Inspect your website for broken links, slow loading times, or other technical problems that might be affecting indexing.
  • Review Backlinks: Analyze your website’s backlink profile for any unnatural or low-quality links that could be causing issues. Some people like to get as many backlinks as possible, and they accomplish this by using shading link-building behaviors that Google disapproves of. You do not want your links to be unnatural. You want to ensure that your links are visible (don’t hide them behind an image or make them the same color as your background, for instance), high quality, and used sparingly. If links are too frequent, Google will think you are buying your links. If links are your issue, the solution is to audit your backlinks. Analyze which links could be unnatural and get rid of any problematic links.
  • You Deindexed Your Own Website: Sometimes, you may accidentally add the noindex directive, which causes Google to deindex your website. To uncover these issues, you can look at the <head> tag of your pages. If you have a WordPress website, you will also want to make sure that you have not selected the option to discourage search engines from indexing your website.

Take Corrective Action

Once you’ve identified the root cause, take the necessary steps to address the problem:

  • Remove Spammy Links: If you’ve identified spammy or low-quality backlinks, disavow them using Google Search Console’s Disavow tool.
  • Fix Technical Issues: Address any technical problems, such as broken links, slow loading times, or server errors.
  • Update Content: If your content is outdated or irrelevant, update it to improve its quality and relevance.
  • Improve User Experience: Ensure your website is easy to navigate and provides a positive user experience.

Submit a Reconsideration Request

If you’ve addressed the underlying issue and believe your website is now compliant with Google’s guidelines, you can submit a reconsideration request. Here’s what to include:

  • Detailed Explanation: Clearly explain the steps you’ve taken to resolve the issue and how you’ve improved your website.
  • Evidence: Provide evidence to support your claims, such as screenshots of changes made or reports from SEO tools.
  • Be Patient: It may take some time for Google to review your request. Be patient and continue to monitor your website’s performance.

Why You Should Invest in Professional SEO Services

Having an SEO company in Columbus, Ohio, can help you ensure that your website pages do as much as possible to benefit your company. SEO experts understand the indexing process and how to create content and improve existing content that reflects Google’s standards. A good SEO agency will have the experience and training to ensure your website appears on Google’s index. Indexing is an integral part of the SEO process because, without indexing, other SEO techniques cannot work.

Best Face Recognition Apps for iPhone

Overview Of Facial Recognition Technology For iPhone

Facial recognition technology on iPhone, specifically implemented as Face ID, is a biometric authentication method that uses a 3D depth-sensing camera to scan and recognize a user’s face. It works by creating a unique facial map and comparing it to stored data.

Key features and benefits of Face ID on iPhone:

  • Secure: Face ID is highly secure, as it’s designed to be difficult to spoof with masks, photos, or other attempts to deceive the system.
  • Convenient: It offers a hands-free and intuitive way to unlock your iPhone, authorize payments, and access secure apps.
  • Personalized: Face ID can be customized to recognize your face even if you wear glasses or have facial hair.
  • Fast: The recognition process is typically very quick, allowing you to access your iPhone seamlessly.

How Facial Recognition Enhances Security on iPhones

Face ID, Apple’s advanced facial recognition technology, significantly boosts the security of iPhones. Here’s how it works

  • TrueDepth Camera: Face ID utilizes a sophisticated TrueDepth camera system that projects and analyzes infrared dots onto your face. This creates a detailed 3D map of your facial features.
  • Secure Enclave: The data collected from the TrueDepth camera is processed by the Secure Enclave, a dedicated, secure chip within the iPhone. This ensures that your facial data remains private and protected.
  • Unique Facial Map: The Secure Enclave creates a unique mathematical representation of your face, which is stored securely on your device. This map is used for future authentication.
  • Attention Awareness: Face ID is designed to recognize when your attention is directed towards the iPhone. This helps prevent unauthorized access while you’re sleeping or unconscious.
  • Anti-Spoofing Measures: Face ID employs advanced anti-spoofing technology to protect against attempts to deceive the system with masks, photos, or other methods
  • Passcode Backup: Even with Face ID enabled, you’ll still need to set up a passcode as a backup. This ensures that your device can be unlocked if Face ID fails or is disabled.

Key features and benefits of Face ID on iPhone:

  • Secure: Face ID is highly secure, as it’s designed to be difficult to spoof with masks, photos, or other attempts to deceive the system.
  • Convenient: It offers a hands-free and intuitive way to unlock your iPhone, authorize payments, and access secure apps.
  • Personalized: Face ID can be customized to recognize your face even if you wear glasses or have facial hair.
  • Fast: The recognition process is typically very quick, allowing you to access your iPhone seamlessly.

Comparison of Biometric Authentication Methods (Face ID vs. Touch ID vs. Passwords)

Face ID, Touch ID, and traditional passwords are all common methods used for biometric or authentication on devices. Each has its own strengths and weaknesses.

Face ID

  • Advantages:
    • Hands-free and convenient
    • Secure, as facial data is stored locally and encrypted
    • Anti-spoofing measures to prevent fraudulent access
  • Disadvantages:
    • Can be less reliable in certain lighting conditions or if your face is obscured
    • May require multiple attempts if your face is not recognized

Touch ID

  • Advantages:
    • Fast and convenient
    • Relatively secure, as fingerprint data is stored locally and encrypted
    • Can be used with multiple fingers
  • Disadvantages:
    • Can be less secure than Face ID, as fingerprints can be lifted and replicated
    • May not work well if your fingers are dirty or damaged


  • Advantages:
    • Simple to implement
    • Can be used on a wide range of devices
  • Disadvantages:
    • Can be easily forgotten or compromised
    • Susceptible to brute-force attacks

In summary:

  • Face ID is generally considered the most secure and convenient option, especially for unlocking devices.
  • Touch ID offers a good balance of security and convenience.
  • Passwords are the least secure option but are still widely used due to their simplicity.

Popular Apps Utilizing Face ID for Enhanced Security

Many popular apps have integrated Face ID to provide an extra layer of security for users. Here are some notable examples:

Social Media Apps

  • Facebook: Allows for quick and secure login using Face ID.
  • Instagram: Provides Face ID authentication for accessing your account.
  • Snapchat: Uses Face ID to unlock the app and for certain features.

Banking and Finance Apps

  • Apple Pay: Requires Face ID to authorize payments.
  • Chase Mobile: Offers Face ID login for added security.
  • Capital One Mobile: Uses Face ID for biometric authentication.

Password Managers

  • 1Password: Allows for quick and secure access to your passwords using Face ID.
  • Dashlane: Provides Face ID authentication for unlocking your vault.

Productivity Apps

  • Microsoft Outlook: Uses Face ID to unlock the app and access emails.
  • Evernote: Offers Face ID login for added security.
  • Todoist: Allows for quick and secure access to your tasks using Face ID.

Gaming Apps

  • Fortnite: Uses Face ID to sign in and access your account.
  • PUBG Mobile: Offers Face ID authentication for added security.

Standalone Face Recognition Apps

While Apple’s Face ID is deeply integrated into its devices, there are also standalone face recognition apps available for various purposes. These apps often offer additional features or cater to specific needs.

Popular Standalone Face Recognition Apps

  • FaceApp: This app has gained popularity for its ability to apply various filters and effects to faces, often creating viral trends. It also offers a face recognition feature that can identify celebrities in your photos.
  • Snapseed: A professional-grade photo editor, Snapseed includes a face recognition feature that can automatically detect and enhance faces in your photos.
  • Find My Friends: This app from Apple uses facial recognition to identify people in photos and videos that you share.
  • TrueKey: One of the perks of TrueKey that is very appealing is that it allows you to set a second identification method. So, if the facial recognition technology isn’t working and you can’t unlock your phone, you can fall back on your secondary identification method (something like fingerprint biometrics or an old-fashioned manually entered password).
  • FaceVault: FaceVault is the first app that brought facial recognition security measures to iOS, as Android rolled it our first. The application cannot be used to unlock your phone, but it can be used to secure compromising images. So, an authorized user is the only person who can gain access to view certain photos on your phone if you secure them using this face recognition app. FaceVault also lets you unlock your phone using a pattern-based code if the facial scan doesn’t yield the correct results.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Face Recognition App

  • Security:
    • Encryption methods used to protect facial data
    • Multi-factor authentication options
  • Accuracy:
    • Recognition rate and reliability in various lighting conditions
    • Ability to adapt to changes in appearance (e.g., glasses, facial hair)
  • Privacy:
    • Data storage and sharing practices
    • Compliance with privacy regulations (e.g., GDPR, CCPA)
  • User Experience:
    • Ease of setup and use
    • Speed and responsiveness of recognition
  • Compatibility:
    • Compatibility with different iPhone models and iOS versions

Future Trends in Facial Recognition

Facial recognition technology is rapidly evolving, with several promising advancements and emerging use cases on the horizon.

Potential Advancements

  • Improved Accuracy: Algorithms are becoming increasingly sophisticated, capable of recognizing faces in challenging conditions such as low light, occlusions, and variations in pose or expression.
  • Real-time Processing: Faster hardware and optimized algorithms will enable real-time facial recognition even on resource-constrained devices.
  • 3D Recognition: Moving beyond 2D images, 3D facial recognition will provide a more robust and secure method of identification.
  • Multi-modal Fusion: Combining facial recognition with other biometric modalities, such as iris or voice recognition, can enhance accuracy and security.
  • Ethical Considerations: As facial recognition technology becomes more pervasive, addressing ethical concerns related to privacy, bias, and misuse will be crucial.

Emerging Use Cases

  • Augmented Reality (AR): Facial recognition can be used to personalize AR experiences, adapting content to individual users based on their identity and preferences.
  • Contactless Payments: Beyond smartphones, facial recognition could enable contactless payments at retail stores, ATMs, and other venues.
  • Smart Homes: Facial recognition could be used to control smart home devices, granting access to authorized individuals and providing personalized experiences.
  • Healthcare: In healthcare settings, facial recognition can help identify patients, verify prescriptions, and monitor vital signs.
  • Law Enforcement: Facial recognition can assist law enforcement agencies in identifying suspects, missing persons, and victims of crime.

As facial recognition technology continues to advance, we can expect to see even more innovative and impactful applications in the years to come. However, it is essential to approach these developments with careful consideration of ethical implications and privacy concerns.

Beat the rest of the world to the punch and contact Split Reef about developing your iOS face recognition app before the market becomes saturated with similar products.

Split Reef has the development expertise to make your custom mobile application dreams a reality. Contact us today and we will help you roll out the face recognition app you’re envisioning.

Artificial Intelligence and Future of Web Design

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has taken off in recent years, particularly with the advent of Chat GPT and its natural language processing capabilities in late 2022. But AI has existed for a long time before the last decade. It is a field of computer science that has come to be a key part of the technology landscape. And for those offering website design services, AI has numerous applications.

For any responsive web design company, artificial intelligence can be used effectively throughout the web design process itself and incorporated into the functionality of the final website design that users will be able to interact with. From helping to automate certain processes to offering enhanced user experiences, AI tools and applications are becoming more integrated into web design as time goes on.

So, what exactly does AI bring to the table for the future of web design?

How Artificial Intelligence Connects to Web Design

As previously mentioned, AI is a field of computer science that covers machine learning and deep learning. AI, when combined with other technology and on its own, can perform tasks that humans would normally be carrying out such as customer service functions, searching for issues in codes or website security, and speech recognition.

When used for web design services, AI can be utilized in a number of ways to help create more advanced websites for customers across all industries. For example, web designers can implement AI tools that help to both design and run tests on website codes. Designers are constantly running tests throughout the web development process to ensure that things are working as they should be. This work can be time and labor intensive. AI can help make this process more efficient and streamlined by running certain tests automatically while web designers tackle other issues or steps of the process. Real also: Which web technology is best in 2024?

AI’s involvement in the future of web design is one of collaboration. Web designers and developers can use AI technology to complement the work they are doing, all while making the design process just a little easier.

The Benefits of AI in Web Design

AI is becoming increasingly more important in the world of web design. It will not be replacing responsive web design companies and developers, but AI technology is very much opening new doors for those in the web design space.

Developers are using AI for all sorts of work in the web design process. Some of the key benefits that designers use AI for include:

  • Implementing machine learning to offer highly personalized user experiences based on behavior, interests, preferences, etc.
  • Automating labor intensive tasks during the web development process like security testing, code snippet writing, and data analysis.
  • Carry out analysis to measure elements like website performance, SEO guidance, and site optimization.
  • Offer tools like AI chatbot assistants on the user side of a website.

Utilizing the vast array of AI tools at their disposal, web designers can help make the web design process easier and more efficient than ever before.

How Responsive Web Design Companies Can Leverage AI for Projects

In the world of web design, those who offer website design services will be able to and have already begun to utilize AI in all sorts of different ways. Responsive web design companies are really in a fantastic place to make the most of AI tools that can help streamline and simplify some aspects of the web design process.

Certain AI tools are able to help manage mundane tasks, like writing code snippets and troubleshooting. It can be used to automate other tasks that can require a great deal of labor, like data entry, carrying out search engine optimization analysis, and checking for various errors in a website’s design – from the code to even checking for broken links.

Responsive web design companies are also able to use AI tools to offer more standout user experiences. Web designers can use AI tools to more effectively optimize the content that each user receives based on their past behavior and what they are interested in. Online search experiences can be enhanced by AI that can be trained to deliver more accurate and faster searches. Read also: Is There Any Relation Between AI And Mobile Application Development?

With all of that in mind, it is fair to say that AI and the future of web design is generally a positive one. AI is empowering responsive web design companies with new and innovative ways to adjust the web design process and expanding on what kind of AI applications they can offer to their customers. Artificial intelligence is routinely evolving as time goes on and when utilized correctly, it can be an extremely impactful tool for web designers.

Contact our Top Rated Web Design Company

Split Reef is a web design company with offices based in Columbus, Ohio and Jacksonville, Florida. They provide customers with a full suite of digital development and digital marketing services, including website design, SEO services, mobile app design for both iOS and Android, and social media marketing. With their website design services in Columbus, Ohio and Jacksonville, Florida, Split Reef’s experienced team of technical experts work to help make your company and online presence successful. They employ cutting edge strategies and technologies to deliver effective services – no matter the type of project you bring to them.

Which web technology is best in 2024?

In the world of new web application technologies, advancements are always being made to the tools that developers work with. Web application technologies such as HTML5, progressive web applications, voice search optimization, and modern iterations of web development frameworks like JavaScript help make the web application development process more able to meet customer demands and user needs.

New web application technologies make the development process all the better, allowing developers to create powerful, accessible, and responsive web applications for the modern Internet user. And in a world where it only takes 50 milliseconds for a user to form an opinion of a website and whether or not they will stick around, having a better understanding of the new web application technologies and evolving tools can better help both developers and businesses keep ahead of the ever-evolving tech landscape.

Below, we take a quick look at some of the top web application development technologies of 2024.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is counted among one of the most popular new web application technologies right now. AI is now an integral part of web application development, being used for automated processes and as a core piece of functionality for apps. Developers can use AI to help carry out tasks like debugging code, sorting through analytics, and being implemented into core application features, like chatbots.

Single Page Applications

Single page applications (SPA) are a tried and true web application technology that remain among the top technologies that developers use. A SPA is an application that only has one page. With only one page, users don’t face long load times and see high performance from a simple but powerful application. SPAs remain an effective and cost-friendly option in the web app development space, making them a solid choice for customers and developers alike.

Progressive Web Apps

Relatively new in the web app development world, progressive web apps (PWA) look and feel like native applications. They allow for offline operation, can be accessed across platforms and devices, and are cost-effective thanks to developers’ ability to utilize web plugins to help cut down on development time. Businesses such as Starbucks, Uber, and Google all use PWAs in some form.

Voice Control System

Voice control systems are changing both the development process and the user experience. Voice control systems in 2024 are a popular technology to implement into web applications as more and more people use voice search options. A 2022 study from NPR and Edison Research found that 62% of Americans use a voice assistant of some kind on all types of devices, including phones, remotes, and computers. Voice control systems offer users overall enhanced accessibility and hands-free navigation.

Cloud Computing

Our world is increasingly online, and that means features like performance and storage space for web applications remain key to their ability to operate. Cloud computing is a popular and useful feature to help address those needs. Cloud-based web applications are run over the Internet, with their data stored in the cloud as opposed to locally. Cloud computing makes apps easily accessible across all types of devices, such as smartphones, tablets, and computers and allows developers and app owners to make updates on the go.

Automated Code Reviews

84% of businesses that work on code, like Split Reef, have a code review process in place. These processes can be done manually, or more recently, automatically. Automated code reviews are a new web application technology that automates the development workflow with an effective review process that helps to reduce the manual time spent looking over code. Automated code review tools let developers run tests on their code to find bugs and issues that need to be addressed, before and after release.

Low Code/No-Code Development

Low code and no-code development platforms are development technologies that allow developers to create web applications more easily by using drag and drop elements. This type of development can be used for mobile and web application development of various complexities and are used by both beginners and professionals, such as the team here at Split Reef. Both low code and no-code development bring benefits to the table, including reducing development costs, streamlining the development process, and increasing productivity.

Motion UI for User Experience

Among top new web application technologies, motion UI is being used to create dynamic user interfaces for a more engaging user experience. Motion UI for user experience takes shape in a number of different ways for web development, including transitions between pages and large animations that can be used to highlight certain things in a web application or for interactive purposes.

API First Approach

Application first programming interface (API) platforms are a software system used in development that features tools and programs that allow developers to build, manage, and publish APIs. The API first approach is a method that prioritizes APIs at the very beginning of the development process, making software and applications that allow for great interconnectivity – a feature that modern users are always looking for.

Serverless Architecture

Serverless architectures are a favorite in the web app space, especially in recent years. These architectures are an approach to software design that allows developers to build and run their services without needing to manage the infrastructure itself – often handing that management over to third parties. Serverless architectures are scalable, help cut back on unused servers, and offer developers more productivity without the need to focus on managing servers themselves.

Advanced IoT

The Internet of Things (IoT) describes connected devices that have sensors, software, and other technology that allow them to connect to other devices and systems that are available over the Internet. Think of smart devices in a home that communicate to each other for an everyday example. IoT is quickly seeing advancements though, and advanced IoT solutions are being developed all the time. Such developments include solutions and technologies for online protection and connectivity enhancement.

Which Web Technology is Best in 2024?

At the end of the day, choosing one specific web technology that is the best of 2024 is difficult. Each web application technology that we explored above brings something useful and key to the table during the app development process.

On that note though, there are several web technologies that you can keep a close eye on this year and moving into the future. AI technology is a quickly growing tool that is being used in many ways while PWAs continue to revolutionize the web app experience. Low-code/no-code development platforms are helping to make app development easier and more accessible.

Each new web application technology is helping shape modern web app development.

Ready to Get Started on Your Next Web App? Reach Out Today

If you’re ready to get started on a modern, powerful web application, reach out to Split Reef. Our custom web app development team keeps up-to-date with industry and technology advancements to ensure that we deliver powerful, impactful web applications to our customers.

To learn more about how we can help you approach your next web application project, reach out to us online or over the phone. We are ready and waiting to hear from you.

Best Progressive Web App Development Tools

Progressive web applications (PWA) are a fantastic hybrid solution that offer users the experience of a standalone app without the need to install an application on their devices. The term progressive web app was originally introduced in 2015 by designer Frances Berriman and Google Chrome engineer Alex Russell. Following their introduction, they have become a popular and powerful option for websites, businesses, and web app development companies.

With the introduction of any new technology, questions about the tools we use to develop them, and which ones are the best to use start to pop up.

So below, we are going to take a look at some of the best tools and frameworks for building PWA that are out there.

Benefits of Progressive Web Apps

Before digging into some of the best frames for building PWA, we briefly want to look at some of the benefits of progressive web apps.

  • They do not require installation or manual updates.
  • They are smaller than mobile apps, meaning they use up much less data.
  • They often have a lower production cost than mobile applications.
  • They cut out the need to meet platform requirements to be hosted in mobile app stores.
  • They work offline.

Best Progressive Web App Development Tools

The following frameworks for building PWA all bring something unique to the table. They come with their own features and capacity, making each one a good choice for progressive web development depending on what exactly you need or want out of a PWA.


AngularJS is a framework that is extremely streamlined when it comes to web development. First introduced by Google in 2009, AngularJS has become an extremely popular option for progressive web app development. It is very flexible, using HTML as its template language, and it is easy to expand the capabilities of a PWA made with AngularJS thanks to the number of different libraries that it works with.

Developers, like our team here at Split Reef, use AngularJS for a number of reasons, including the fact that it helps to cut down on the need for repetitive tasks that can eat into development time. Overall, AngularJS is a great framework for developing PWAs that requires less coding overall.


React is another great framework for building PWA. It is a JavaScript framework that was originally created by Facebook (now called Meta) and it is fully free and open source. It is a very fast framework and relatively simple, making it a framework that is easy to set up. This helps developers quickly and efficiently build out user interfaces during progressive web app development. Flutter vs. React Native

React also enjoys a lot of community support as an open source framework, with a number of third party libraries and tools available.

PWA Builder

PWA Builder is a lightweight framework that makes progressive web app development simple and easy, especially for developers who may not have much experience in PWA development. For more experienced teams like here at Split Reef, this framework is a great option because it cuts down on the need to write code and it is open source.

And while one of the benefits of PWAs is they do not need a storefront like the iOS App Store, developers can use PWA Builder to package their PWAs for storefronts if they choose to.


Originally released in 2013, Ionic is an open source UI toolkit that is used for building cross-platform applications, including PWAs. When used for progressive web app development, Ionic is a top choice among developers for a few reasons including:

  • A large plug-in library
  • Easy maintenance
  • A large variety of tools available for developers

With Ionic, a PWA can really offer a native-like experience to users and helps to streamline the overall development process.


Lighthouse is a free tool from Google that helps developers to improve the overall quality of websites and PWAs. It works to audit a number of web features including performance and SEO, among others. It will offer up suggestions on how to improve aspects of a website for improved performance, which can be extremely beneficial to the progressive web app development process.

Thanks to the detailed reports that Lighthouse provides, developers are able to use the data and information to further improve PWAs.

Connect with Split Reef for Progressive Web App Development Today

When it comes to the benefits of progressive web apps, you can clearly see how much of an impact they can have. Factor in the number of different progressive web app development tools available to help in the development process, and the space of progressive web apps is an ever changing and evolving place as well!

That is why working with an experienced progressive web app development company like Split Reef can be extremely important. Our team is experienced with a number of different tools and frameworks for building PWA, including AngularJS. We keep up to date with the changes and innovations within our industry as well, ensuring that your projects always receive the latest updates and development methodology.

To learn more about how we can help in your progressive web app development, feel free to reach out to us online or over the phone. No matter the project or your budget, we can help find you a selection of our services that will meet your needs.

What Is the Best Framework for Ecommerce Website?

Ecommerce is a massively expanding part of the economy, both in the U.S. and globally. As statistics show, Asia is currently leading the total retail ecommerce revenue worldwide at 1.69 trillion U.S. dollars while the Americas follow with nearly 1 trillion U.S. dollars in 2022. With retail ecommerce growing year by year, it is crucial to have a little bit of an understanding of what exactly goes into the creation of ecommerce websites themselves – especially if you are looking to work with a web design company that can help you create the framework of your site.

Developing an ecommerce website involves a lot of moving parts, especially during the development phase. And one of the most important parts of developing an ecommerce website is choosing the programming framework that will be used. Different programming frameworks can affect things like website functionality, how well it runs, and the overall customer experience that visitors will have.

Ensuring that the best framework is chosen will be key in creating a final ecommerce website that delivers on all of the needs that you have. Below, we take a closer look at what an ecommerce framework is and what some of the best frameworks are.

What is an Ecommerce Framework?

First and foremost, what is an ecommerce framework for those who do not know? An ecommerce framework, at its most basic, is a framework that provides developers with an environment for building ecommerce applications quickly and efficiently.

An ecommerce framework consists of a collection of tools, libraries, and other elements that help to streamline the development process. Developers use frameworks to help eliminate programming errors and save on development time.

Particularly for an eCommerce website development company, a framework allows us to create a powerful final product to deliver to you. We use ecommerce frameworks to streamline our team’s process from start to finish. Both front and backend frameworks equip our experienced team with the core foundation needed to build out ecommerce websites that are functional and high quality.

What is the Best Framework for Ecommerce Websites?

With so many different ecommerce frameworks out there, it can certainly be a tough choice to choose the best framework. But in choosing the best framework for a project, factors like what type of business model you have, what products or services you offer, and what the overall user experience you want your customers to have will play a key part in which framework is best.

With those factors in mind, here are a few of the best frameworks for ecommerce website design.


WooCommerce is a very popular self-hosted, open-source framework. For WordPress websites specifically, WooCommerce was released in 2011. Initially started in 2008 under the title of WooThemes, the shift to focusing on ecommerce exclusively came in 2017 and WooCommerce now empowers small and medium businesses in their ability to sell online.

The starter selection available from WooCommerce offers plenty of ecommerce features that any business would need – from taking payments to new product promoting. And due to it being open source, WooCommerce also provides web developers and development companies with total control over store management and customization options. It is a very flexible ecommerce framework and offers a lot in the way of customization.


Django is another open-source ecommerce framework. It is a high-level Python web framework that puts a lot of emphasis on reusable elements and components, which affords developers the ability to develop web applications much faster. As a full-stack framework, it brings a robust number of tools to the table for developers.

As a very scalable framework, Django is a great option for business owners who know that they will be scaling up in the future. Django is perfect for smaller websites that expect to grow, offering plenty of features that can easily be replaced as your business needs shift over time. Like some of the other frameworks mentioned, Django is also feature-rich. Developers can integrate features like content management and secure user authentication as they build a powerful ecommerce website.


Perhaps one of the most popular ecommerce software out there, Shopify is a fantastic framework that offers a lot of basic functionality right away. A very flexible and feature full platform, Shopify ties in everything that someone needs to run a business into one location. There are plenty of built-in features that developers can make use of with the freedom to also integrate other applications, like Google Analytics, various social media platforms, and apps you can use to run a successful online storefront.

Shopify has a simple-to-use dashboard that makes your and our jobs easier – such as adding new products to your store and allowing for easy customization. As an ecommerce framework, Shopify allows us to create website themes and designs that are truly streamlined and effective for an online store.

And if you are moving from a different type of ecommerce platform, Shopify makes it extremely easy to move over all of your information to their platform with their migration. Their moving process allows us to migrate all of your important data and information directly into Shopify.


Depending on your online store needs, Drupal may be the framework for you. Drupal is a great choice for online stores that are growing or just getting started. As a ready-made, open-source platform, Drupal brings a lot to the table such as the ability to integrate with third-party services and best practices that center around safe, dependable releases.

Whether you are just getting started or your business has been around for some time, Drupal is a framework that helps teams to grow, both in their productivity and what they can offer to customers online. You will be able to easily integrate features like product marketing and payment tools that serve your customers and help you to run an efficient ecommerce business.

Which Backend Framework is Best for Ecommerce Websites?

One of the best backend frameworks for ecommerce website development is Node.js. Node.js is a cross-platform, open-source framework for JavaScript. Some key elements that make Node.js perfect for backend framework development include:

  1. Speed: Websites and apps developed with Node.js benefit from its speed. This speed makes it a prime choice for real-time, web-based communications with your customers and to provide them with a seamless online experience.
  2. Security: Cyber security is critical for an online business. Node.js’ ever-expanding library of tools and programs allows us to keep security features updated easily.
  3. Scalability: js was designed with scaling in mind. Its high-scalability is achieved through its event-driven and non-blocking I/O. Scaling is done using fewer resources without sacrificing performance.

Connect with an Ecommerce Website Development Company Today

When it comes to choosing the right framework for your ecommerce needs, there’s no one better equipped to help you than Split Reef. Our team is dedicated to providing you with top-notch digital development.

You can connect with us online or over the phone today for a free quote.

What Does an SEO Company Use to Get You Found?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is an extremely important part of having an online presence – whether you are just getting started out with a new website or you are trying to revamp your business’s existing site. SEO is the process of improving a website’s overall visibility in search engines with the ultimate goal of increasing organic traffic.

Think of it like this: an online user is looking for a specific type of business, like a law firm that specializes in personal injury representation. That online user is going to search for keywords like “personal injury lawyers,” “personal injury law firms near me”, and even questions like “how can a personal injury lawyer help me.”

SEO on a law firm’s website that has been carefully optimized to target those types of keyword searches will appear in that user’s search.

And in a world where Google processes over 40,000 searches every second on average (which comes out to 3.5 billion searches per day), ensuring that your website stands out from the crown is more crucial than ever before.

But there’s much more to SEO than just plugging a few keywords into a website’s content. And if you have ever found yourself wondering what does an SEO company do for you, look no further. Below, we answer that question and what exactly we use to get you found online.

What Does an SEO Company Do for You?

 The long and short answer on what does an SEO company do for you is we help businesses to maximize their online presence and resources as much as possible. Our Columbus SEO company work to make sure that your site reaches more people with an individualized and unique approach to the content and SEO on your site.

We even help to establish a digital presence if you do not already have one!

SEO companies like Split Reef typically offer a full suite of SEO services that include:

  • Web analytics – Our team will complete a thorough review of your website and analytics to ensure we present a plan that suits your needs.
  • Business goal development – Whether you are just getting started or you want to expand your business, our SEO company is here to help you achieve higher rankings in popular search engines like Google and Yahoo.
  • On-page SEO – Optimized web pages attract more traffic to your website. An SEO company will audit each page of your site and use current SEO best practices to make adjustments.
  • Google Business Profile – Making use of every tool available to you is key when it comes to SEO. A Google Business Profile is a free tool that helps your business make a great first impression on potential customers.

This is by no means an exhaustive list of what an SEO company does for you. Our primary goal is to ensure that your digital presence is reaching the people that you need it to in the best ways possible.

What Does an SEO Company Use To Get You Found?

Now that you know what an SEO company can do for you, let’s take a look at what tools and approaches an SEO company uses to get you found.

  1. Keyword Research – This allows an SEO company to figure out what keywords will appeal to and connect with your audience. They will then utilize those keywords in the strategy they create for you.
  2. Content Strategy – An SEO company will work to create a content strategy that suits your needs and your business. This may involve creating a blog, video content, or other types of content that will benefit your online presence.
  3. Weekly Blog Publication – Whether your blog already exists or we create a new one for you, keeping your blog updated is important! An SEO company knows the importance of blog content – it keeps your website healthy and helps to reflect your SEO strategy.
  4. Keyword Rank Tracking – Here at Split Reef, we use tracking tools to help stay on top of any relevant keywords related to your business.

These are just a few of the things that an SEO company uses to get you found online. Other tools such as reporting, link building, and understanding location demographics are utilized as well to ensure that your SEO strategy is the best it can be.

Looking for Help? Connect with a Trusted SEO Company for All Your Needs

Now that you have a better idea of what an SEO company uses to get you found online, it is time to start looking at what your individual SEO needs are. Whether you need some online content refresh or you need a unique approach to SEO for a brand new website, Split Reef is the agency for you. We are a cutting-edge digital development and digital marketing agency with two primary locations in Columbus, Ohio, and Jacksonville, Florida.

Our team is comprised of technical experts who remain up to date on all of the latest innovations in the industry, from keeping up with new changes to the tools we use to understanding SEO best practices. We work in an industry that changes and innovates regularly and quickly. But our experienced staff are here to deliver the best workaround – from your initial consultation with us all the way to the launch of your website.

Our Jacksonville SEO services work to increase your organic search rankings and to bring in more business – whether you run an online shop, you are in the hospitality business, or somewhere in between. Our team provides all manner of SEO services, from link building strategies to fully optimized content. We track the progress we make and work to provide you with the best strategies that suit your needs.

We have worked to create long-lasting and satisfactory working relationships with our clients, and we’d love to do the same with you. If you are ready to get on top of your SEO needs and climb the search rankings with your online presence, reach out to us today!

You can connect with us over the phone at 614-900-0773 or by reaching out through our online contact form.

What Industries Need SEO The Most?

No matter the industry that your business may be situated in, search engine optimization (SEO) is a critical element to your business’ online presence and marketing strategy. A strong SEO strategy will help to put your business and brand right in front of your target audience, providing them with useful information, a look at the products and services you offer, and helping to establish you as an industry leader.

But just as your branding strategy will differ based on the type of business and organization you run, so too will the kind of SEO you need. Not every single industry depends on SEO in the same way or to the same degree. For example, a business that offers extremely niche products in a competitive industry like ecommerce will require an SEO strategy to help them reach their target audience. So, what industries need SEO the most? Ranking Elements for Local SEO in 2023

Below, we answer that question. We look at what companies use SEO marketing and what industries need it the most.

What Industries Need SEO The Most

From boosting a business’ credibility to providing you with a leg up on your competitors, the importance of SEO cannot be understated. So when it comes to industries that need SEO the most, there are a few key ones that we want to highlight here.

  1. Local Companies

Local companies and businesses are an industry that tend to stick close to home. Local SEO for these businesses is going to be a key factor in building out a strong online presence and ensuring that the right eyes make it to their websites.

Local SEO is \the practice of implementing SEO that is fully optimized for local search results. This helps potential clients and customers that are physically located close to a business find what they are looking for. For example, think of the last time that you were looking for a Mexican restaurant near your home.

You most likely typed in something similar to “Mexican restaurant near me” or “Mexican food near [your home’s road].” These searches would have brought up Mexican restaurants that are close to you. That is local SEO at work!

  1. Legal

For anyone that works in the legal field, SEO stands as an important addition to their online presence. Lawyers and law firms are typically going to be looking at targeting a niche audience, since most of them specialize in one or two key areas. A strong SEO strategy will give a law firm a competitive edge that will ensure that their organization is reaching their intended clients.

Potential clients who are looking for legal help are going to be performing keyword searches that indicate what exactly they are looking for. For example, a potential legal client might be looking for help on an employment related case. They will be searching for lawyers who specialize in employment and labor law. Law firm SEO can also tie in local SEO, helping to further bolster a firm’s search results. 

  1. Online Retail and Ecommerce

With so many retail and eCommerce businesses setting up a presence online, we have to mention the retail industry when we talk about which businesses are likely to benefit most from SEO. Online shopping’s popularity has only boomed over the last 20 years, and research shows that we can expect 24% of retail purchases to occur online by 2026. With that in mind, SEO has become an integral part of running an online business.

Retail and eCommerce businesses need to be able to connect with their potential shoppers directly, whether they’re a well-known household name like Amazon or a business that offers a more specialized product catalog. SEO is going to be worked into just about every facet of a site, including product descriptions, landing pages, blog posts, and image captions to connect these businesses with their customers.

Which Business is Likely to Benefit Most From SEO?

While we can certainly point out specific businesses that are most likely to benefit from SEO, the overarching answer here is that any business can benefit from SEO. SEO has a big impact on a business’ online presence and brand, especially when you look to engage with customers.

Some specific businesses that are most likely to benefit from SEO include:

  • Small businesses
  • Restaurants
  • Medical facilities
  • Service providers
  • In person and online retailers
  • Startups

What Companies Use SEO Marketing?

Just about any company that has some kind of online presence is most likely utilizing SEO marketing in some way — even if they have not worked with a professional SEO company yet. From the small one-person startup to large corporations like Apple, companies of all sizes use SEO marketing to connect with their customers.

Search engines are ever evolving, growing smarter all the time. So companies across all industries can make the most out of their SEO by ensuring that it’s up to date with recent strategies.

Work with a Trusted and Experienced Digital Development and Marketing Company

Now that you have a better understanding of what companies use SEO marketing and what industries can benefit the most from it, it’s time to take your own company and industry into consideration. While we have gone over a number of different industries and companies above that can benefit from SEO, they are certainly not the only ones.

If your business falls into one of the above industries or not, it can be beneficial to take stock of your SEO needs and strategies with the help of a trusted and experienced SEO company. And that’s where Split Reef comes in. As an SEO company with two offices located in Columbus, Ohio and Jacksonville, Florida, our team is well equipped to handle all of your SEO needs.

We understand how to help our clients, no matter the industry, increase the number of eyes on your website and content. We are here to help with all things SEO, from local SEO to our full range of SEO services we have on offer.

To tell us more about your project and your business, connect with us online or over the phone at your preferred Split Reef location.

Is There Any Relation Between AI And Mobile Application Development?

When it comes to various artificial intelligence (AI) tools, business owners have been found to believe that they can be helpful to their businesses. For example, nearly half (46%) of business owners surveyed by Forbes Advisor use AI tools to create their own internal communications. But AI tools are not just useful for crafting internal communications.

They have helped to revolutionize the mobile application development process by improving collaboration and empowering development teams with new ways to streamline their workloads.

Mobile applications for all manner of industries can be an effective tool for a business to have. So, understanding the basics of AI and mobile application development can be helpful as you look to get started on your own application. It may seem overwhelming at first, especially with how many different AI tools are out there now, but just looking at the basics is a good place to start.

Below, we are going to be exploring the different types of AI used in mobile app development below to help you understand the relation between AI and mobile app development.

How is AI Used in Mobile Application Development

Some of the key ways that AI has been used in the mobile app development process include:

  • Implementing machine learning in mobile apps
  • Utilizing natural language processing for speech recognition
  • Creating an enhanced user experience
  • Increased efficiency during the development process
  • Automated operations that allow developers to focus on other areas of development

These are just a handful of ways that developers like the Split Reef team can use AI tools to streamline and keep costs down during the mobile app development process. Developers can use AI to handle basic code writing needs, streamline tasks, and enhance overall testing and quality assurance.

So, when we ask “What are the benefits of AI in app development,” we can look at the above list. Mobile application development is often a complex and time-consuming process, and the use of AI can help to both simplify and speed up that process.

Examining the Benefits of AI for Optimizing Mobile Applications

Now that we know some of the benefits of AI for optimizing mobile applications, we can look a bit closer at what exactly those benefits bring to the table.

  1. Machine learning: IBM defines machine learning (ML) as a branch of AI and computer science that “focuses on the use of data and algorithms to imitate the way that humans learn, gradually improving its accuracy.” As a subset of AI, ML has benefited the mobile app development space with intelligent automation and personalization and the use of predictive analytics. ML allows for the analysis of massive amounts of data, which can be used by developers during the development process and the final application that is delivered to a client.
  2. Increased efficiency in testing: AI tools afford teams the ability for intelligent testing. This means that AI tools can help to automatically identify bugs and other issues during the development process. After identifying bugs, the AI can then work to fix those bugs. Enhanced testing from an AI tool also provides development teams with the ability to run a mobile app through different scenarios for thorough testing.
  3. Streamlined tasks: Tasks can be streamlined with the help of AI tools. Repetitive tasks that can be time consuming can be handed off to AI, which can reduce the manual labor from a development team. Such tasks can include creating code snippets, data entry, and analyzing user information that may already be available. Automation of these kinds of tasks allows teams to focus on other areas of development, speeds up the development timeline, and is cost-effective.

Using AI tools throughout the mobile app development process brings the above benefits along with many more. Coding requirements are further reduced, development can happen faster, and the end result of development is a powerful, enhanced mobile application.

If you are looking to get started on your own mobile application with an experienced team that understands how AI tools can help the app development process, connect with us here at Split Reef.

What is the Impact of AI in Mobile App Development?

The impact of AI in mobile app development has been very big, as you have seen thus far. AI tools are allowing development teams to work more cost-effectively by:

  • Automating a variety of aspects during the mobile app development process
  • Reducing manual efforts from developers so they can focus on other areas of development
  • Enhanced efficiency that comes from automating tasks and reworking workflows
  • Data analysis and testing can be handled by AI tools

By automating certain tasks and utilizing AI tools throughout the mobile app development process, developers can work efficiently and quickly to deliver powerful, stunning applications that exceed the needs of clients like you.

In the third edition of State of the Connected Customer, a report put together by Salesforce Research, they found that 67% of customers expect companies to provide new products and services more frequently than before. The impact of AI in mobile app development ties into the ever-increasing expectations of customers. Customers expect to see innovative solutions as technology continues to change, and AI is helping developers to meet those expectations.

Curious How We Use AI in Mobile App Development? Connect with Split Reef to Learn More

If you have an idea for a mobile application that you want to bring to life, reach out to Split Reef today. We offer a full suite of mobile application development and digital marketing services from an experienced team of technicians.

Call us over the phone or reach out through our online contact form for a quote.