Is There Any Relation Between AI And Mobile Application Development?

When it comes to various artificial intelligence (AI) tools, business owners have been found to believe that they can be helpful to their businesses. For example, nearly half (46%) of business owners surveyed by Forbes Advisor use AI tools to create their own internal communications. But AI tools are not just useful for crafting internal communications.

They have helped to revolutionize the mobile application development process by improving collaboration and empowering development teams with new ways to streamline their workloads.

Mobile applications for all manner of industries can be an effective tool for a business to have. So, understanding the basics of AI and mobile application development can be helpful as you look to get started on your own application. It may seem overwhelming at first, especially with how many different AI tools are out there now, but just looking at the basics is a good place to start.

Below, we are going to be exploring the different types of AI used in mobile app development below to help you understand the relation between AI and mobile app development.

How is AI Used in Mobile Application Development

Some of the key ways that AI has been used in the mobile app development process include:

  • Implementing machine learning in mobile apps
  • Utilizing natural language processing for speech recognition
  • Creating an enhanced user experience
  • Increased efficiency during the development process
  • Automated operations that allow developers to focus on other areas of development

These are just a handful of ways that developers like the Split Reef team can use AI tools to streamline and keep costs down during the mobile app development process. Developers can use AI to handle basic code writing needs, streamline tasks, and enhance overall testing and quality assurance.

So, when we ask “What are the benefits of AI in app development,” we can look at the above list. Mobile application development is often a complex and time-consuming process, and the use of AI can help to both simplify and speed up that process.

Examining the Benefits of AI for Optimizing Mobile Applications

Now that we know some of the benefits of AI for optimizing mobile applications, we can look a bit closer at what exactly those benefits bring to the table.

  1. Machine learning: IBM defines machine learning (ML) as a branch of AI and computer science that “focuses on the use of data and algorithms to imitate the way that humans learn, gradually improving its accuracy.” As a subset of AI, ML has benefited the mobile app development space with intelligent automation and personalization and the use of predictive analytics. ML allows for the analysis of massive amounts of data, which can be used by developers during the development process and the final application that is delivered to a client.
  2. Increased efficiency in testing: AI tools afford teams the ability for intelligent testing. This means that AI tools can help to automatically identify bugs and other issues during the development process. After identifying bugs, the AI can then work to fix those bugs. Enhanced testing from an AI tool also provides development teams with the ability to run a mobile app through different scenarios for thorough testing.
  3. Streamlined tasks: Tasks can be streamlined with the help of AI tools. Repetitive tasks that can be time consuming can be handed off to AI, which can reduce the manual labor from a development team. Such tasks can include creating code snippets, data entry, and analyzing user information that may already be available. Automation of these kinds of tasks allows teams to focus on other areas of development, speeds up the development timeline, and is cost-effective.

Using AI tools throughout the mobile app development process brings the above benefits along with many more. Coding requirements are further reduced, development can happen faster, and the end result of development is a powerful, enhanced mobile application.

If you are looking to get started on your own mobile application with an experienced team that understands how AI tools can help the app development process, connect with us here at Split Reef.

What is the Impact of AI in Mobile App Development?

The impact of AI in mobile app development has been very big, as you have seen thus far. AI tools are allowing development teams to work more cost-effectively by:

  • Automating a variety of aspects during the mobile app development process
  • Reducing manual efforts from developers so they can focus on other areas of development
  • Enhanced efficiency that comes from automating tasks and reworking workflows
  • Data analysis and testing can be handled by AI tools

By automating certain tasks and utilizing AI tools throughout the mobile app development process, developers can work efficiently and quickly to deliver powerful, stunning applications that exceed the needs of clients like you.

In the third edition of State of the Connected Customer, a report put together by Salesforce Research, they found that 67% of customers expect companies to provide new products and services more frequently than before. The impact of AI in mobile app development ties into the ever-increasing expectations of customers. Customers expect to see innovative solutions as technology continues to change, and AI is helping developers to meet those expectations.

Curious How We Use AI in Mobile App Development? Connect with Split Reef to Learn More

If you have an idea for a mobile application that you want to bring to life, reach out to Split Reef today. We offer a full suite of mobile application development and digital marketing services from an experienced team of technicians.

Call us over the phone or reach out through our online contact form for a quote.

Which AI Tool is Used to Build Mobile Apps?

Artificial intelligence has been around for many years and has been used in a number of industries. In general, the entire artificial intelligence market is estimated to be worth $150.2 billion in 2023 alone. Projections estimate that the market will grow exponentially by 2030 with estimates that it will reach $1,345.2 billion. With this kind of growth expectation, it stands to reason that we should take a closer look at what precisely artificial intelligence tools mean in the space of building mobile applications.

From helping to write mobile application code to helping to improve efficiency and accuracy, artificial intelligence is changing the landscape of mobile application development. Below, we take a closer look at some of the specific artificial intelligence tools that are being used to create standout mobile apps.

An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Its Application in Building Mobile Applications

Before we get into more specifics, let’s take a closer look at what exactly AI is and what its application really means when it comes to building mobile applications.

Artificial intelligence, at its most basic, is essentially a simulated version of human intelligence. AI thinks in a similar manner to how humans think and it works to copy actions that we take. Think of AI like this: it’s essentially the ability that a computer has to perform tasks that we do.

AI are not passive machines. They are able to make both predetermined and mechanical responses based on their programming and how they learn. This makes them an invaluable tool in mobile application development.

AI tools help mobile app developers in a variety of ways including:

  • Providing developers and clients with predictive analysis
  • Providing an improved end-user experience
  • Improving mobile app security
  • Streamlining the overall development process
  • Improving functionality during development and launch

Advantages and Disadvantages of Each AI Tool for Building Mobile Apps

Now with an idea of how AI tools help mobile app developers, we can take a closer look at some specific AI tools that are commonly used in mobile app development. Below is a brief overview of AI-based tools for building mobile apps such as React Native, Flutter, and Xamarin, and some of the advantages and disadvantages they have.

React Native

An open-source UI software framework that was developed by Meta (Facebook).

React Native has a number of advantages such as being cost effective and allowing for resource optimization that allows teams to optimize budgets further. The framework is easy to work with, and provides code reusability, and quick iteration cycles – allowing developers to quickly build and test mobile apps on different platforms for feedback.

Disadvantages of React Native include:

  • Updates to React Native can be somewhat complex.
  • Since React Native is not native development. It is a cross-platform framework based on JavaScript, so troubleshooting issues within an app may be more difficult.
  • Complex user interfaces are typically not the best to create in React Native.


A free, open-source framework created by Google.

As an open-source framework, Flutter is accessible to a large community that is constantly working to evolve its capabilities. Its quick development cycle allows developers to quickly see changes to mobile apps in real-time. AI can also be used in combination with Flutter to build powerful mobile apps.

Disadvantages of Flutter include:

  • A steep learning curve for developers new to the framework.
  • More limited third-party libraries.
  • It’s still considered to be a newer framework.


A free app platform that is open-source and cross-platform.

Perfect for developers who are creating apps on iOS and Android, Xamarin allows teams to use one technology stack to code across all platforms. The performance put out by apps developed with this platform is close to native and there is open-source technology as well. Xamarin apps can make use of AI tools as well, like chatbots and automated tasks.

Disadvantages of Xamarin include:

  • There can be delayed support for new platform updates.
  • Depending on the app type, apps made with Xamarin may run larger.
  • Occasionally there are compatibility issues with third-party tools.

With these types of mobile app frameworks allowing developers to make use of AI tools, it’s easy to see how artificial intelligence is having such a massive impact in the mobile app development space.

What is the Best AI for Building an App?

There is no one definitive AI tool that is perfect for building an app. This isn’t just a cop-out answer either. The best AI tool for building an app is something that a mobile app development team will be able to determine after they fully understand what kind of app a client is in need of.

What is the AI tool for creating Android Apps?

Android’s own AI tool, Machine Learning, can be effective for creating Android apps. Other tools we may use alongside a mobile framework like Xamarin or Flutter include:

  • Google AI
  • Android’s Studio Bot
  • OpenCV

What is the AI tool for Creating iOS Apps?

Similar to creating Android apps, there are several AI tools we can use in addition to the framework we deem the most suitable for a project including:

  • OpenCV
  • Core ML by Apple
  • ML Kit by Google

How to Choose the Right AI Tool for Creating Your Mobile App

With such a variety of AI tools available now, it can be overwhelming trying to choose the right AI tool on your own. That’s where an experienced mobile app development company like Split Reef comes in.

Our team is able to look at key details like:

  • Your budget
  • Your project requirements
  • What kind of user interface you want
  • Integration capabilities
  • Overall impact the tool will have on the development process

Choosing the right AI tool for creating a mobile application will depend on the little details! There is no perfect tool for every single project as each project is going to be different.

Connect with a Trusted Mobile App Development Company

If you are looking to connect with a trusted name in the mobile app development space, look no further than Split Reef. With offices located in Columbus, Ohio and Jacksonville, Florida, our team is here to help create a mobile application that suits all of your needs. We know all of the common mistakes to avoid when using AI tools for developing mobile apps by keeping ourselves up to date on the latest developments in mobile app development, including AI tools.

To learn more about how we can help and about our best practices for using AI tools to build mobile apps, reach out today.

You can connect with us over the phone or online for a completely free quote today.